Memberships & Partnerships

Oesterreichs Energie
Oesterreichs Energie (Austria’s Energy) is the special interest group of Austria’s electricity industry. Its members belong to the fields of production, distribution and trading. The association represents the jointly defined interests of the electricity sector in its interactions with politicians, public administrative bodies and the general public.

The European Network of Transmission Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) is the association of European transmission system operators and represents the interests of its members towards third parties. 40 members from 36 countries ensure the operation of the largest coherent power grid of the world and its future-oriented expansion and modernization.

Federation of Austrian Industries
The Federation of Industries (Industriellenvereinigung) is the largest voluntary special interest group in Austria that is independent of any political party and represents the interests of industries and industry-related service providers along the whole value-added chain. It represents enterprises belonging to the fields of production, IT, finance and insurance industry as well as the energy and infrastructure sector.

Roundtable for Europe’s Energy Future
REEF is a European high-level forum with the focus on the development of a digitalized and interconnected e-infrastructure. The members comprise transmission system operators and leading power industry and technology enterprises.

Energy Web Foundation
The EWF is a non-profit organization that acts on a global scale which aspires to promote decentralization, democratization and decarbonization of the global economy by using open-source blockchain technologies in the energy sector.
Forschungsgesellschaft Energie an der RWTH Aaachen
Aufgabe der seit 1958 bestehenden Gesellschaft ist die Förderung der Forschung an der RWTH Aachen auf dem Gebiet der Energieversorgung. Ferner fördert die FGE durch Vorträge und Tagungen den Austausch praktischer Erfahrungen zwischen ihren Mitgliedern, die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung des Ingenieurnachwuchses sowie die berufliche Weiterbildung.

OVE - Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik
The Austrian Electrotechnical Association (Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik, OVE) interconnects science and research, companies in the fields of industry and business as well as the energy sector, and promotes the success of the industry with numerous events and continuing education offers. With its core expertise regarding electrotechnical standardization, certification and lightning detection (ALDIS) the federation officially represents Austrian interests in international bodies.

Kompetenzzentrum Sicheres Österreich
Since 1975 the Competence Center Secure Austria (Kompetenzzentrum Sicheres Österreich) has been a bridge between the economy, science, administration and politics. It is composed of a number of renowned officials responsible for the internal security of Austria, an ever increasing number of partner enterprises as well as regular and individual members.

Technology platform Smart Grids
The technology platform Smart Grids Austria connects important players of the energy sector, industry and research and has established itself as competent liaison for public authorities. The technology platform strives to combine forces to make the operation of the system as efficient as possible in terms of costs and energy and thus promote the energy transition in Austria.

Austrian Federation of Water and Waste Management
The Austrian Federation of Water and Waste Management (Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband, ÖWAV) is a neutral and independent platform of experts and interested professional groups for the balancing of interests regarding the national water, sewage and waste management. As non-profit organization it is committed to facilitating the achievement of sustainable goals on a national and international level.

Leading Companies Austria
Leading Companies Austria (Leitbetriebe Austria) is an independent economic network that spans across all industries. It distinguishes and connects exemplary companies within the Austrian economy. Decision makers meet for exchange on equal terms in an active forum. With the mission “together we are a brand” the leading companies represent value-oriented goals like innovation, growth, market position and staff development with high public visibility.

EPEX SPOT is the leading power exchange for spot market electricity trading in Europe. It comprises Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The main goal of EPEX SPOT is to promote the integration of the European electricity markets.

APCS Power Clearing and Settlement AG
As balance group coordinator (BGC) APCS Power Clearing and Settlement AG is the clearing and settlement agent for the APG control area. Its tasks comprise the administration of balance groups in terms of organization and settlement as well as the calculation and allocation of balancing energy. Together with the market participants, the grid operators and the control area manager the BGC is responsible for the orderly, neutral and privacy-respecting clearing and settlement of balancing energy transactions on the market.

CISMO Clearing Integrated Services and Market Operations GmbH
CISMO provides services for balancing energy and data exchange systems in a liberalized energy market, in particular with regard to the balancing of energy capacities and other advisory services for the energy industry sector and industrial enterprises, public institutions and infrastructure companies.

OeMAG – Abwicklungsstelle für Ökostrom AG
The tasks of OeMAG comprise the establishment and operation of a green electricity settlement agency for the renewable energy incurred within the federal territory of Austria in terms of the Renewable Energy Act as amended and valid at any given time and the provision of all related services in the fields of information technology. In addition, it is responsible for the attribution of aids according to the allocation stipulations defined in the Renewable Energy Act and for the granting of investment subsidies in accordance with the Renewable Energy Act, as well as for the foundation, establishment and operation of enterprises for the management of green energy or comparable forms of energy and green energy promotion systems abroad in accordance with the applicable national rules and regulations.

EDA GmbH – Energiewirtschaftlicher Datenaustausch
EDA GmbH is the service provider assigned by the grid operators to operate, host and execute the energy data exchange (EDA). In addition, it is the EDA agent according to Chapter 5 of E-Control’s electricity/gas market code.

ege Einkaufsgenossenschaft österreichischer Elektrizitätswerke GmbH
The EGE purchasing association of Austrian power plants (Einkaufsgenossenschaft österreichischer Elektrizitätswerke GmbH) specializes in products of electricity distribution and belonging to the field of wires, cables and pipe sealing, as well as various plant items for electric utility companies. It collects the demands of its members and customers, and is thus able to purchase greater quantities for better prices which it passes on to them.

Equigy is a platform or rather a crowd balancing platform (CBP) whose topmost goal it is to support the balance in the energy network and to guarantee security of supply with regard to the energy transition. With the aid of blockchain technologies TSOs and aggregators can track all energy transactions in a secure and reliable ledger and thus validate the flexibilities of small and distributed resources in real time. In other words, with Equigy even the owners of small consumer devices and electric vehicles can offer their flexibilities to reduce and/or increase the overall energy exchanged with the grid and thus play an active role in balancing the grid.
Holding des Gestionnaires de Réseau de Transport d'Electricité (HGRT)
HGRT is the holding company of the Central Western European TSOs, which was founded in 2001 and currently holds a 49 percent equity stake in EPEX SPOT.

JAO – Joint Allocation Office
The leading service provider for transmission system operators (TSOs) on the European electricity market. Cross-border transmission capacity rights are auctioned via the JAO platform.

TSCNET Services
TSCnet conducts and moderates bottleneck prognosis procedures for 30 transmission system operators (TSOs) in 27 continental European countries.

VUM – Verfahren Umwelt Management GmbH
In cooperation with its clients VUM Verfahren Umwelt Management GmbH has been successfully implementing projects in the energy sector, infrastructure and industry for 25 years. This long-term experience makes us recognized experts in the preparation and implementation of complex investment projects. In addition, we have specialized in supporting operational management systems and specific maintenance issues in the field of high voltage technology. With our services we pursue a holistic approach which encompasses the entire life cycle of large-scale industrial facilities.
Sonja Dlabka