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APG nature conservation conference in the Auenwerkstatt

From 9 to 10 May 2023, the APG nature conservation conference took place at the ‘Auenwerkstatt Weitwörth’, which was financed by APG as a replacement service in the course of the construction of the 380 kV Salzburg line. The aim of this event was to take a closer look at the topic of floodplain landscapes and the challenges involved in their management. Other topics included the amendment to the EIA Act (areas for compensation and replacement measures), moorland renaturalisation and the implementation of species protection projects. The excursions took the participants to the wonderful landscape of the Weitwörther Au and the Ursprunger Moor - although this excursion was somewhat shorter than planned due to the rain.

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The event was organised by VUM Verfahren Umwelt Management GmbH in accordance with the requirements for „Green Events Salzburg“:

  • Public travel options
  • Extreme reduction of paper consumption (digital conference documents and confirmations of participation)
  • Waste reduction and waste separation on site
  • Regional added value, waste avoidance and social responsibility in catering: the Salzburg company Alm Marie spoiled the participants with ‘food in a glass’, among other things, which was eaten on the sunny terrace of the Auenwerkstatt.
  • Sustainable conference goodies: APG terraced honey was distributed to all participants
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