Energy Management
APG beyond Austria’s borders
What will the electricity system of the future look like? Where are we heading? What concrete requirements and projects will we want to and be able to pursue? Where are developments in the energy industry headed? What might the strategic grid development plans of the future look like? Are there opportunities for optimization?
These future plans and system developments have to be simulated and described using precise system models and analyses. The entire sector is evolving in a very dynamic environment. Our experts in the System Development Department work on sustainable projects that they implement and put into practice with international partners. Many projects are realized by interdisciplinary teams involving members of other departments, especially the technology departments and IT.
Keeping European Affairs in Balance
Our experts in the European Affairs and Regulation Management Department are well equipped to deal with the demanding issues and interactions at the European level. They also coordinate their activities on an international level within the scope of the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E). This may implicate following guidelines or roadmaps issued by the European Commission, but very often it involves specific initiatives to implement new EU legislation (e.g. the major energy liberalization acts and the Clean Energy Package). When new laws come into force, the experts analyze how APG is affected and pass the information on to the relevant departments.
APG is a regulated company. Therefore, the company’s expenses are audited annually by the responsible authority, Energie Control Austria (ECA). ECA also determines the regulated rate of return (APG's profit).
Modernization and expansion for a successful energy transition
Within APG, the Purchasing Department is responsible for tendering and awarding contracts for a wide range of goods and services in compliance with procurement law. This team of experts handles relationships with external partners for the construction of substations. At the same time, their responsibilities also include consulting services, HR services, communication services, international market services, fleet management, facility management, security services and IT.
Maintaining the flow of funds (and electricity)
To provide the best possible support for management decisions, our finance and accounting experts work with new technologies and modern business management methods to manage and optimize the immense amounts of funding involved in our activities. APG’s Controlling Department manages some €2.5 billion in total assets, €1 billion in revenues and €300 million in cash flow throughout the company and reports to senior management. In addition, we have launched many special business projects related to digitalization and automation to respond to the increasingly challenging economic environment.
€ 2.5 billion
€ 1 billion
€ 300 million
Electricity meets Law
The Legal Department has a variety of tasks: its core task is certainly to provide legal advice throughout the company and to represent APG's legal interests in all of its business areas. This work focuses on legal areas such as Austrian and European electricity law (i.e. the Electricity Sector Act (EIWOG), the Clean Energy Package for all Europeans, etc.), public procurement law, environmental law (e.g. the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the High Voltage Lines Act) and corporate law. To fulfil these tasks, they not only need comprehensive legal know-how, but also perseverance and clear, understandable communication, forward thinking and an eye for pragmatic solutions.
The flow of communication (and electricity) is our top priority
The Corporate Communications and Reputation Management Department has a broad range of responsibilities: corporate and project communications, including brand management, corporate identity, corporate design, corporate wording, advertising, press relations, internal communications, online communications, event management, corporate publishing, sponsoring and stakeholder communications.
With the use of 360-degree communication tools – from stakeholder newsletters to specific websites and our social media presence – our strategy is to achieve full customer orientation in all areas of communication. Our experts in this area pursue one overriding goal: a strong positioning of APG in all public spheres. In terms of content, the focus is on secure power supply, the achievement of climate and energy targets, the integration of new players into the energy system, the economic effects of the APG investment scheme, specific areas of innovation and, of course, concrete investment projects.
High-performing partners are also needed in HR
The HR Department is responsible for internal and external services. On the one hand, our experts are the contact persons for more than 700 staff members. This is where the classic areas such as personnel controlling, payroll accounting and labor law affairs are handled. Our employees receive professional advice, support and guidance on their career paths from our HR development specialists. On the other hand, employer branding is gaining increasing importance both within and outside APG as a means of attracting, engaging and retaining talented candidates and employees and thus ensuring the long-term success of the company.
Innovation paired with strategy
APG’s Corporate Development and Organization Department is responsible for corporate strategy, research, innovation, digitalization, data governance, organization, process management, compliance and several other areas. Our experts in these areas meet regularly with employees from other departments to drive research and innovation forward at APG. Together, they work on projects to find solutions and ways to prepare Austria for the energy transition in the long term.