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Editorial details

Reporting and disclosure obligations in accordance with Section 5 ECG and Sections 24 and 25 of the Media Act (Mediengesetz, MedienG)

Media owner/publisher of the APG website:

Austrian Power Grid AG
Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Vienna

Legal form:

Public limited company

Company purpose:

The purpose of the company is to:

a) construct and operate electrical line systems;

b) safely, reliably and efficiently operate, maintain and further expand the grid it operates across Austria, taking into account environmental considerations;

c) create the technical conditions that are necessary for operating the system;

d) comply with the legal mandates and obligations in the context of its role as control area manager;

e) conclude transmission agreements and electricity supply agreements of all kinds;

f) purchase and sell grid services for its own use and for grid operators;

g) ensure the coordinated expansion and interoperability of the grid system; and

h) enable electricity transit between high-voltage transmission grids.


Contact information:

Tel.: +43 (0) 50320 - 161
VAT number: ATU46061602
Data processing register number: 1010794
Commercial register number: FN 177696v
Commercial registrar: Vienna Commercial Court
Place of business: Vienna, Austria


Applicable legal provisions:

2010 Austrian Electricity Industry and Organisation Act (Elektrizitätswirtschafts- und -organisationsgesetz, ElWOG 2010) along with the associated regulations and implementation laws.
The legal provisions quoted can be accessed via the legal information system of the Austrian Federal Chancellery at


Regulatory authority/professional body:

Energie-Control Austria für die Regulierung der Elektrizitäts- und Erdgaswirtschaft (E-Control)
Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Association "Österreichs E-Wirtschaft" 


Executive board:

  • DI Mag.(FH) Gerhard Christiner
  • Mag. Marcus Karger


Supervisory board:

  • Dr. Peter F. Kollmann (Chairman)
  • Ing. Mag. Peter Koren (1st Vice Chairman)
  • Ing. Wolfgang Liebscher (2nd Vice Chairman)
  • Mag. Dr. Michael Strugl, MBA
  • Mag. Dr. Erich Entstrasser
  • Dr. Christof Germann
  • Mag. Leopold Rohrer
  • Mag. Dr. Georg W. Westphal
  • Mag. Andreas Wollein
  • Andreas Gross (employee representative)
  • Johannes Naber (employee representative)
  • Katja Moschini-Klom (employee representative)


Ownership structure:

APG is a wholly owned subsidiary of VERBUND AG, of which the Republic of Austria is Involved with more than 25 % (51 %).


Basic purpose:

Industry-related and company-related information for customers, partners and the general public.


Website implementation:

digitalwerk GmbH

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