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Austrian Power Grid AG Recruits Social Media Expertise From The Skills Group

The communications agency Skills was successful in a multi-stage public tender and will strategically develop the social media activities of Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) in the coming years...

The Skills communications agency was able to prevail in the course of a multi-stage public tender and will strategically develop the social media activities of Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) in the coming years in order to strengthen the position of the Austrian transmission system operator as a supporting pillar of the domestic infrastructure. Already since 2020, The Skills Group has been assisting the company in the development and support of several social media channels. Now, the (strategic and operational) social media support of Austrian Power Grid AG will be expanded to include new aspects such as reaching out to potential employees.

Austrian Power Grid AG, Austria's independent transmission system operator, is responsible for securing and expanding the nationwide supply of electricity. As part of its social media presence, the focus has so far been on Twitter and LinkedIn, where the respective accounts could be established as relevant sources of information on the Austrian power grid. In the coming years, the focus will now be on the qualitative expansion of these channels and the support of the communities that have been created as a result, but other channels are also to be developed.

"The energy crisis and the energy transition have massively increased the need for communication on all aspects of the power grid, and interest has risen extremely, especially regarding the issue of security of supply. The mammoth task of developing a supply-secure sustainable energy system - in which the power infrastructure plays a central role - is also slowly coming into the public awareness. Responsible communication on all these topics via social media is important and contributes to informing the public about current developments and challenges in electricity infrastructure. We are very happy to have found a partner for this purpose, who prepares these often somewhat unwieldy topics in an expert and target group-oriented manner," says Christoph Schuh, Head of Corporate Communications & Reputation Management at APG

"On the surface, we're often dealing with rather technical and complex content that doesn't seem particularly sexy or broadly appealing at first glance. But on the one hand, we love topics that require explanation, and on the other hand, the electricity infrastructure is highly relevant because we all need electricity 24/7. All the more reason for us to be delighted about this wonderful assignment," says Stefan A. Sengl, Managing Partner of The Skills Group, about winning the account.

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