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Austrian Power Grid goes European Forum Alpbach

In the context of the European Forum Alpbach Austrian Power Grid (APG) offered particularly successful students the opportunity to present their ideas and to get to know the company.

Several APG departments were present at this year’s European Forum Alpbach themed “Bold Europe” and offered students the opportunity to put forward their creative ideas to solve the challenges of the energy sector.

At the ‘Thinkathon’ with the Club Alpbach Upper Austria, a three-hour workshop with scholarship holders from all over Austria, which took place as part of the Lab Days in cooperation with Microsoft, a total of 31 "high potentials" dealt with the question of what consequences new forms of energy could have for the energy system after 2050. Among other things, the impact of fusion power plants on the energy infrastructure was discussed, start-up ideas were developed, virtual decision-makers were convinced and social impacts were debated. The workshop participants took on different roles and inspired the audience with innovative solutions, humorous and professional presentations, but also with critical thoughts. Markus Kasinger, Head of IT at APG, was impressed: "The short time it took the students to familiarize themselves with our complex topic and the quality with which relevant solutions were developed and presented is extraordinary. It was our goal to acquaint these future leaders with APG's mission and the challenges of a supply-secure energy transition. We are also looking forward to receiving job applications of some of these talented students.”

At the Innovation Marathon of the Austrian Universities of Technology (TU Austria), which also took place on the occasion of the Forum Alpbach, a total of 28 students from 20 countries had the opportunity to develop solutions for real challenges that companies are facing. A total of four companies presented actual problems they are dealing with, which were then dealt with in a 24-hour marathon session by teams consisting of seven students each. The task presented by APG/AVL was to answer the question of how e-mobility could support the supply-secure transformation of the electricity system with flexibilities. The students focused their work on electrically powered truck and taxi fleets as well as commuters and came to the conclusion that an app has to be developed through which these target groups can make their flexibilities available to the electricity grid at specific times. Different types of rewards - financial, but also ecological (planting trees) - were considered.

Christoph Schuh, APG company spokesperson: “In order for the transformation of our energy system to succeed without jeopardizing the security of supply, we not only need a high-capacity electricity infrastructure, but also the best minds that the labor market has to offer and the best ideas. When it comes to innovations, it is important to also get an outside perspective on the APG world and to “collect” external approaches to solutions. What happened here in Alpbach over the past few days was impressive. We are grateful for the participants’ thinking outside the box and the new concepts and will certainly follow up some of the ideas.”

About Austrian Power Grid (APG)

As independent transmission system operator Austrian Power Grid (APG) is in charge of ensuring the security of electricity supply in Austria. With our high-performance and digital electricity infrastructure and the use of state-of-the-art technologies we integrate renewable energies, we are the platform for the electricity market, and we provide access to reasonably priced electricity for Austria’s consumers and thus create the basis for Austria as supply-secure industrial and business location and place to live. The APG grid totals a length of about 3,400 km and is operated, maintained and continuously adapted to the increasing challenges of the electrification of businesses, industry and society by a team of approximately 733 specialists. Also in 2022 Austria had a security of supply of 99.99 percent and thus ranks among the top countries worldwide. Our investments of 490 million euros in 2023 (2022: 370 million euros) are a motor for the Austrian economy and a crucial factor in reaching Austria’s climate and energy targets. Until 2032 APG will invest a total of approximately 3.5 billion euros in grid expansion and renovation projects, which amounts to approximately 19 percent of the total of 18 billion euros which the energy industry will invest in the grid infrastructure over the next ten years.


Press contact


Christoph Schuh

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Wien

Phone +43 50 32056230 Email
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