Tahir Kapetanovic, 59, Head of the APG Control Center was elected as a Board Member at the ENTSO-E Assembly on June 28, 2023. This shows the great trust that Kapetanovic enjoys among European experts and once again confirms the competence of the experienced manager. Kapetanovic, who has a degree in electrical engineering, has been working for APG and managing operations in the control center for eleven years as Head of System Operation.
Kapetanovic holds the titles of Dipl.-Ing. and MSc in Energy Systems from the University of Zagreb, a PhD in Energy Systems from the Vienna University of Technology, and an executive MBA from the University of Minnesota and the Vienna University of Economics and Business. "It is a great honor to have Tahir on board, who is a proven expert and has long been managing Austria's trans-regional power system together with his team. His new function as a Board Member of ENTSO-E is a great honor for both APG and Tahir himself", Gerhard Christiner and Thomas Karall, the CTO and CFO of APG are pleased. "With his nomination, we strengthen our commitment in important European bodies." Currently, APG is represented in 235 international committees with a total of 123 APG employees. 95 of these groups are part of ENTSO-E. "APG is located in the heart of Europe, both geographically and in terms of the energy industry. We are convinced that a supply-secure energy transition can only be achieved if we use all the potentials of European integration, cooperation and crisis prevention. APG will pursue this path consistently and with full commitment," says Karall.
ENTSO-E is the central coordinating body for the cooperation of European transmission system operators and represents their interests towards the EU Commission, stakeholders and ACER, which is the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators. The tasks of ENTSO-E include, for example, the preparation of the TYNDP (Ten Year Network Development Plan), which provides a Europe-wide overview of grid expansion and the projects required to achieve it. ENTSO-E is governed by an assembly representing the 39 transmission system operators and a board of directors composed of 12 elected members. Kapetanovic has represented APG/Austria at ENTSO-E for more than ten years and has chaired ENTSO-E's System Operations Committee for four years.
About Austrian Power Grid (APG)
As independent transmission system operator Austrian Power Grid (APG) is in charge of ensuring the security of electricity supply in Austria. With our high-performance and digital electricity infrastructure and the use of state-of-the-art technologies we integrate renewable energies, we are the platform for the electricity market, and we provide access to reasonably priced electricity for Austria’s consumers and thus create the basis for Austria as supply-secure industrial and business location and place to live. The APG grid totals a length of about 3,400 km and is operated, maintained and continuously adapted to the increasing challenges of the electrification of businesses, industry and society by a team of approximately 733 specialists. Also in 2022 Austria had a security of supply of 99.99 percent and thus ranks among the top countries worldwide. Our investments of 490 million euros in 2023 (2022: 370 million euros) are a motor for the Austrian economy and a crucial factor in reaching Austria’s climate and energy targets. Until 2032 APG will invest a total of approximately 3.5 billion euros in grid expansion and renovation projects, which amounts to approximately 19 percent of the total of 18 billion euros which the energy industry will invest in the grid infrastructure over the next ten years.
Press contact

Christoph Schuh