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APG power monitor

The APG Powermonitor provides orientation in times of energy crisis. Facts and figures about the power supply are the core elements of this tool.

As the importance of energy-saving measures due to the expansion of renewables depends more and more on the respective hydro, wind and solar supply than on consumption characteristics, the determination of peak times in the APG Powermonitor has been revised and will be changed on 3 March 2025. From this date, peak times at weekends can now also be called up, meaning that the APG Powermonitor will in future provide information on the peak times for an entire week.  

A limit value of 3,000 MW was determined from the historical values for the residual load, which results from the difference between consumption (withdrawal from the public grid) and feed-in from renewables (feed-in to the public grid). Those times when the residual load exceeds this limit are referred to as peak times.  

The renewable energy sources used are the sum of wind, photovoltaics, run-of-river and biomass.  

The multi-day forecast of peak times is made daily at 10:00 am on the basis of the currently available grid load forecasts and the currently available generation forecasts for renewable energy sources.  

We therefore ask you to check your Powermonitor integration in this respect and, if necessary, adapt the description texts so that your users are also informed about the peak times at the weekend. 

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Current weekly analysis

The availability of gas-fired power plants in Austria is 91% this week. The production of electricity from gas does not only serve load coverage but is also particularly relevant for stabilizing the grid. According to grid operation planning, the percentage of availability of cross-border lines is approx. 92%. This is particularly important for trans-regional electricity transports and thus also for the import and export of electricity.

In the diagram about Austria, you can see for each day of this week the hours in which electricity saving is particularly effective at peak times, meaning that you save CO2 and help relieve the burden on the electricity system. Due to the predicted production from the renewable energy sources solar, wind, biomass, run-of-river and swell water, peak hours are predicted on each of the five days under consideration this week. Please see the Austria graphic for the exact hours.

Electricity consumption last week totaled 1.158 GWh. This is about 0.2 percent less than in the previous week and corresponds to an average of 165 GWh per day. Electricity was exported on seven days last week.


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What is the purpose of the Powermonitor

With the weekly analysis of the security of supply based on essential parameters, every Austrian can see how secure the power supply in Austria is at the moment. Based on various factors (current electricity generation from renewable energy sources, electricity imports, current electricity consumption, etc.), interested parties are provided with information that help them to understand at a glance the status quo of the electricity supply situation. However, it is always true that saving electricity is the order of the day, as it reduces the consumption of resource, saves costs and CO2 and has a stabilizing effect on the regional and trans-regional power grid with regard to a secure and sustainable transformation of the energy system.

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

How likely is it that we will experience a blackout in Austria in the near future?

The frequency disruption on January 8, 2021, showed us that local, unforeseeable events can lead to serious crises. At the same time, the premeditated protection mechanisms at a European level and the measures agreed by the TSOs (transmission system operators) across Europe proved that we have good instruments both at a national and international level to cope with such emergencies. However, one thing is clear: the transition to a sustainable and renewable energy system will enormously increase the demands on the system as a whole. Therefore, we must continually reevaluate our crisis prevention and contingency instruments and develop them even further.

The risk of blackouts has certainly increased in recent years (e.g. due to cyber-attacks). We are responding to this development with various preventive measures. As TSO, it is our mission to ensure the security of electricity supply for all Austrians. On the one hand, we have highly qualified and competent personnel, on the other, we have efficient, proven and tested operational management and emergency strategies, both on a national and international level. In addition, our employees regularly take part in emergency drills and simulations involving all relevant players in the energy system at a national and international level. The basic prerequisite for our operational management is that we must be able to handle unforeseen situations and that not every single event entails the risk of a blackout. For this reason, operational management always plans for the failure of a key operating component (according to the n-1 safety criterion). A large-scale power failure can therefore only occur if a large number of unforeseeable or unsalvageable events occur in a close temporal or technical context. 

What is the power monitor used for?

The APG Powermonitor provides an overview of key facts, figures and data relating to Austria's security of supply. A secure electricity supply is an essential basis for the security and well-being of our society. Especially in times of energy crisis, the Powermonitor helps to make the situation regarding Austria's secure electricity supply transparent.

What is a blackout?

A blackout is an unexpected, large-scale, supra-regional power outage - regardless of its duration. By its statutory mandate, the Austrian transmission system operator - Austrian Power Grid (APG) - is responsible for taking adequate countermeasures. In addition, APG is generally responsible for ensuring the security of the electricity supply in Austria, in coordination with distribution system operators and other players in the electricity system. With a grid reliability of over 99.99%, Austria's security of supply is among the best in the world. Key factors for this stability are the good coordination among grid operators at a national and international level, as well as the favorable mix of power plants in Austria. A secure power supply is the basis of our modern, sustainable, and digital society. To maintain this high-quality security of supply for the economy and society during the transformation of the energy system in Austria, it is indispensable to further expand the capacities of the electricity grid, storage facilities, reserve power plants, sustainable production, and integrate all new stakeholders in the energy system using digital platform technologies.

Note: A blackout must be strictly distinguished from a local or regional power failure. In Austria, for example, extreme weather conditions in the alpine regions during the winter months can repeatedly lead to interruptions in the power supply in certain valleys.

What causes a blackout?

A grid collapse (due to a breakdown of the supply voltage and/or due to power failures) or an unforeseeable severe imbalance between generation and consumption in the electricity grid (drop in grid frequency) can lead to a blackout. Grid fluctuations occur, for example, due to unforeseeable deviations from the forecasted feed-in of wind and solar power plants. Surprisingly rapid changes in production or extreme load flows across the European extra-high-voltage grid result in heavy grid loads that need to be balanced out by congestion management or grid control measures by means of suitable power plants.

  • Technical causes
  • Natural disasters
  • Cyber-attacks
  • Terrorist attacks
How long does a blackout last and what costs can arise?

Our simulations and crisis drills show that we can restore the normal operating state of the power grid within 10 to 24 hours, thus reestablishing a stable power supply. This is achieved by starting up so-called black-start capable power plants (e.g. pumped-storage power plants) that establish supply islands which are then reconnected.

A few years ago, the Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz attempted to calculate the damage caused by a widespread power outage. The scientists' blackout simulator computes costs of around 1.2 billion euros just for one day (

How can we prevent a blackout?

The two key factors are innovation and the expansion and modernization of the electricity infrastructure: As a central player in the energy industry, APG's electricity infrastructure paves the way for the integration of renewable energies, which is the prerequisite for achieving Austria’s climate and energy targets. This requires extensive investments in the conversion and expansion of the electricity infrastructure.

What role do power lines play when it comes to blackout prevention?

The expansion and conversion of the electricity infrastructure and the use of state-of-the-art technologies are key factors in maintaining a secure electricity supply in Austria: Only if we have appropriate line capacities available in Austria will we also have the reserves we need in the future in the event of a crisis.

How secure is the Austrian electricity supply?

Our employees are optimally prepared for a crisis. They regularly take part in emergency drills and simulations of a wide range of scenarios, as well as crisis communication exercises involving all relevant players in the energy system at a national and international level. The basic prerequisite for our operational management is that we must be able to handle unforeseen situations and that not every single event entails the risk of a blackout.

For this reason, operational management always plans for the failure of a key operating component (according to the n-1 safety criterion). A large-scale power failure can therefore only occur if a large number of events that weaken the system occur simultaneously and overwhelm all contingency mechanisms. This means that a lot has to happen for this to actually happen.

How well-equipped is the supply system for an emergency power shortage?

If consumption in Austria can no longer be fully covered by power plant feed-ins and electricity imports, the provisions of the Energy Intervention Powers Act (Energielenkungsgesetz) apply. After appropriate consultation with the ministry, E-Control, and the provinces, emergency measures are implemented, ranging from the restriction of large-scale consumers to power shutdowns in certain areas. However, such measures would only be necessary in case of an extreme emergency. In Austria, the Energy Intervention Powers Act legitimizes these measures (following the issue of a corresponding regulation on measures by the Federal Ministry) in such a way that they cause the least possible damage and impact on society and the economy.

What impact does a blackout have on public life?

Since our entire private and professional lives rely on electricity, everyone who has not provided their own emergency power generators is affected. Just think of: elevators, means of transportation, computers, work equipment, lighting systems, traffic lights, tunnel control systems, camera systems, traffic management systems... As a rule, particularly critical or important facilities such as hospitals are equipped with an emergency power supply. However, these backup supply systems require regular maintenance and tests as well as concepts for the provision of fuel, which means additional work for the operator.

A blackout naturally has an immediate impact on all areas of public life - especially depending on its duration - because in addition to lighting systems, water, and sewage pumps, ventilation systems, production facilities, department stores, ATMs, etc., electrically powered public transport such as underground trains, trams and, to a large extent, railway services also break down immediately. Landline and mobile telephone networks can also no longer be counted on.

Top three energy-saving tips

  • Check the efficiency rating and the age of all electrical appliances
  • Use effective control devices
  • Check seals and insulation

Further energy-saving tips

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