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Wien Energie

Wien Energie is working hard on the energy transition. That is why we are also involved in the APG project zusammEn2040, which is dedicated to promoting the energy transition. Our top priority is a secure, affordable, and sustainable energy supply for Vienna and the whole of Austria. Thus we attribute particular importance to ensuring the security of supply and implementing an efficient energy system that provides affordable energy for all citizens. The change in heating systems is a particular focus for us: we consider sector coupling and the expansion of district heating systems in particular as essential components of a sustainable energy landscape. Innovative approaches and technologies in the field of district heating can not only support decarbonization but also significantly improve the efficiency of the entire energy supply. Thus we expect a lot of the zusammEn2040 project: we want to make an active contribution to the scientific discourse and share our expertise regarding the change in heating systems. In addition, we want to develop concrete solutions and strategies that help to facilitate a resilient, sustainable, and fair energy supply.



The transformation of our energy system is progressing rapidly and poses major challenges for our society. The zusammenEn2040 project offers us the opportunity to use an external energy system model to examine in detail the importance of hydropower storage in an energy system dominated by PV and wind energy. The flexibility of pumped storage and storage power plants makes a decisive contribution to the security of supply in a decarbonized energy system. We are looking forward to the mutual exchange and are interested in learning about the different approaches and results of the participating stakeholders.


Global 2000

Well-developed grids are the gateway for many activities in the context of the energy transition, and we are pleased that we have been in a constructive exchange with APG for a very long time. With zusammEn2040, this has now also resulted in a concrete project in which we are jointly considering how Austria can become climate-neutral by 2040. As an environmental organization, it is important to us that we not only talk about new technologies and their application but also about a broader social approach that includes the reduction of energy consumption, the economical use of resources, and an overall ecological reorientation. We believe that zusammEn2040 will provide new insights and help to identify the necessary steps for the energy transition more clearly. By involving many stakeholders, we also expect that different approaches and their advantages and disadvantages will become visible. Everyone must be united by the common goal: Let's make Austria climate-neutral by 2040!



EVN is actively addressing the question of how and when the energy future can be successfully implemented. For an effective and economically sensible implementation, it is important to repeatedly ask the questions of "when" and "how" to be able to incorporate new findings and technologies along the way to reach the set targets. A data-based approach and consideration of the status quo of the energy supply are key to answering these questions. The scenario-based simulations make it clear that there are many ways to reach the goals. By participating in zusammEn2040, we want to gain insights into timeframes, technical options, and the design of an optimal target system. The most important question for us is how the summer-winter gap can be closed efficiently. The discussion process with stakeholders and the exploration of different visions of the future is particularly interesting. Solutions are often pursued primarily based on individual interests and personal convictions. For us, the data-based approach is a better basis for decision-making.



The energy transition offers a wide range of opportunities for our society. By utilizing the regionally available renewable energy potential, we are strengthening the independence of the energy supply in Carinthia and Austria in the long term, contributing to the security of supply and securing prosperity and quality of life. Kelag and its subsidiaries are therefore working daily to create a world powered 100 percent by renewable energy. In addition to implementing current projects in electricity generation and grid infrastructure, we focus on anticipating future developments in the energy system and new challenges for public utility companies. We see the zusammenEn2040 project as an opportunity to enter into dialog with various stakeholders in the energy sector to engage in a broad-based exchange on the future of energy supply. This holistic approach facilitates the development of targeted solutions and strategies for a sustainable and climate-neutral energy world by 2040.



As a reliable, innovative, and sustainable mobility partner, ASFINAG contributes significantly to the energy and mobility transition in Austria. The future of transport is electric – there is a clear trend towards battery-powered e-mobility for private cars, heavy goods vehicles, and buses. As operators of the highest classes of roads in the Austrian road network, we want to provide a comprehensive charging infrastructure for cars by 2030 and trucks by 2035. Based on our traffic forecasts, the expansion plans regarding public e-charging facilities, and the continuing growth rates of e-cars and e-trucks, we want to provide insights into the energy demand and possible grid loads around Austria’s freeway and expressway network in the future. In this context, we also count on a dialogue with other stakeholders in the zusammEn2040 project.

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