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Employee working on the renewal of the 220 kV overhead line in the Enns Valley

Kaprun–Weißenbach cable line replacement

APG is investing in securing the supply of power for the greater Styria region and Salzburg: around 18.5 million euros was spent on upgrading the entire 220-kV cable system running between the substations in Tauern and Weißenbach.


Age-related capacity restrictions are a thing of the past in power transmission.

APG is investing in securing the supply of power for the greater Styria region and Salzburg: around 18.5 million euros was spent on upgrading the entire 220-kV cable system running between the substations in Tauern and Weißenbach. 

Erneuerung 220-kV-Freileitung im Ennstal, Austrian Power Grid

Project information

Demands on the power grid have increased greatly in recent years, and demand will only continue to rise. That’s why it is absolutely vital to have secure, high-performance power lines in place that are capable of meeting the requirements of the future and maintaining Austria’s high level of energy security. APG willl invest 9 billion euros in upgrading the domestic electricity infrastructure by 2034.  

The APG line running between the substations in Weißenbach (Styria) and Tauern (Salzburg) was built and commissioned in 1949. After 70 years in operation, the line was showing its age in the form of restricted capacity to transmit electricity. APG has upgraded the cable line of the existing system to ensure a secure and sustainable supply of power to economically important regions and popular tourist destinations. 

Forecasts for the energy market attest to the growing significance of high-capacity power grids, especially in winter, as does the increasing electrification of the economy. Maintaining a high level of supply quality is indispensable for the tourist centres in and around the Enns Valley.

approx. €18.5m

euros total investment volume

State-of-the-art technology

The new cable lines are equipped with a special coating to ensure full capacity during power transmission and to minimise corona noise in the interest of local residents in particular.


construction stages Weißenbach substation – Wagrain connection point Tauern substation – Wagrain connection point


km of lines (68.8 km in Salzburg and 56.3 km in Styria)

Cable exchange process 

Work to replace the cable system commenced in March 2021 and was completed in July 2021. The work was done in two sections: 

Section A: from the Weißenbach substation to the Wagrain connection point 

Section B: from the Wagrain connection point to the Tauern substation 

The new cable line was connected to the existing cable and pulled along the route corridor using a cable winch. The existing road networks in combination with temporary construction site roads were used in executing the work. Protective scaffolding was also put up at important intersections so that no roads had to be blocked while the work was ongoing.  

Given that the cable replacement was considered maintenance work, no environmental impact assessment was required prior to commencing work. 

A sustainable connection to support the energy transition

Austria has pledged to use energy generated from 100% renewable sources to meet its electricity needs by 2030. APG’s Kaprun–Weißenbach line – with its improved integration and ability to transport green electricity – is a key component in the success of the transition to renewables and the electrification of the economy, industry and society. The line mainly connects the pumped storage power plants in central and western Austria via Tauern/Kaprun, making it a key east-west link in the APG power grid. The Kaprun–Weißenbach line ensures that electricity from renewable sources goes wherever it is needed. 

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

How do you know when a cable is too old? 

To check the condition of a line of cable, a section of the cable is removed and tested in a laboratory. If it does not reach certain performance benchmarks, the cable must be replaced, because old cables no longer have the capacity needed to guarantee a secure supply of electricity for the region and for Austria as a whole. 

How does cable replacement impact operational safety, the integration of renewables and line capacity?

Upgrading the cable system guarantees that the lines can perform at full capacity, thus ensuring a sustainable supply of electricity for the greater Styria region and Salzburg. Eliminating operational restrictions related to the age of the cables also reduces the amount of congestion management required to be carried out.

A high-capacity grid is not only necessary for energy security, but also for the integration and distribution of renewable energies. The line between the Tauern and Weißenbach substations mainly connects the pumped storage power plants in central and western Austria via Tauern/Kaprun, making it a key east-west link in the APG power grid. 

How do you access the route corridor?

To carry out the cable replacement operation along the route corridor, it was necessary to transport equipment and construction materials to the site and to obtain access to the electricity pylons and the route corridor. The forestry and nature conservation approvals required for this purpose were obtained.

Because APG places high priority on limiting the impact of its activities on people and the environment, all construction projects are planned as carefully as possible. 

Contact person


Sven Aberle

Project lead

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Wien


Fritz Wöber

Project communication

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Wien

Phone +436648286656 Email
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