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Austria's power grid is facing new challenges due to climate change

In progress

Secure power supply thanks to research and innovation

APG's infrastructure is often exposed to harsh weather conditions. If extreme weather events lead to damage or outages in the electricity grid, potentially widespread disruptions are to be expected. The Alpine region is particularly hard hit by the effects of climate change due to its climatic and geographical conditions.

Due to the decades-long use of overhead lines and pylons, these future climatic changes pose new challenges for APG. Direct and indirect effects on the infrastructure will become noticeable and visible in the coming decades. However, experience in dealing with these effects is not yet available. With the "Klimacheck" research project, APG is therefore reacting to the consequences of climate change at an early stage in order to be able to guarantee a secure and high-quality electricity supply in the future.

For the study, two calculation periods (2021-2050 & 2071-2100) are considered, from which the effects on the electricity grid are derived with the help of climate scenarios (RCP scenarios). The results are of great importance for the operation of the transmission grids in order to be able to react at an early stage. In the first module of the project, the influence of precipitation was analysed in more detail.

Detailed information on this can be found in our broschure in the download area.

Contact person

Kerstin Weindl.PNG

Kerstin Weindl

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD Tower)
1220 Wien

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