Liezen-Leoben Line
The existing 220 kV Liezen-Leoben line between the substations Weissenbach and Hessenberg was put into operation in 1958. After almost 70 years of operation, a general overhaul of the line is planned to make it fit for the future and thus ensure a reliable power supply in the region for the next decades.
General Overhaul Liezen-Leoben Line
The modernized line will increase the efficiency in the APG grid and ensure a secure power supply in the region. It is a prerequisite for future projects such as grid support for the Styrian grid operator Energienetze Steiermark and also plays a major role with regard to developments in the energy industry. This includes the further integration of renewable energies or new connections for industrial operations and power plant projects.
As important part of the east-west connection in the central APG grid, the modernized line will be a significant contribution to achieving the energy transition. It will facilitate the distribution of electricity from renewable energies across Austria to make it available wherever it is needed. The general overhaul of the Liezen-Leoben line creates the basis for sustainable development and the progressive electrification of businesses, industry and society in the region - now and for generations to come.
Project ticker
All current information about the project at a glance.
Project ticker
All current information about the project at a glance.
APG receives legally binding decision based on the High Voltage Lines Act (Starkstromwegegesetz, StWG) for the general renewal of the Liezen-Leoben line
The general renewal of the Liezen-Leoben line has been approved in accordance with the Styrian High Voltage Lines Act (StWG). Following a review of the submitted documents by the responsible authority, an oral hearing was held in September 2023. The Styrian provincial government issued a decision on December 19, 2023, approving the general renewal of the power line, which has now become legally binding following the expiry of the four-week appeal period.
Other substantive approval procedures (e.g. nature conservation, forestry) will be handled by the relevant authorities.

APG in conversation: Information days in the project region
At the end of May, the project documents for the general renewal of the Liezen-Leoben line between the Weißenbach and Hessenberg substations were submitted to the responsible StWG authority, the Province of Styria. APG therefore invited people to two information consultation days in the project region, which took place on June 26 in the municipality of Rottenmann and on June 27 in the municipality of Kammern im Liesingtal, both from 4pm to 7pm.
In total, just over 100 interested citizens took advantage of the opportunity to find out more about the general renewal of the Liezen-Leoben pipeline.
2027 - 2029
Increasing electrification
71,3 km
approx. 175 Mio €
Modernste Technik
Project Roadmap
Scheduled construction phase
General overhaul Liezen-Leoben line
Legally binding approval on the basis of the Heavy Current Routes Act (StWG)
The positive decision of the Styrian provincial government in accordance with the Heavy Current Roads Act has become legally binding.
Positive StWG decision
The Styrian provincial government issues the positive decision under the Heavy Current Routes Act
Hearing according to Heavy Current Routes Law (StWG)
Hearing according to Heavy Current Routes Law (StWG) by the Styrian provincial government as the competent authority
Submission in accordance with the Heavy Current Routes Law (StWG)
The general renewal was submitted to the competent authority, the Styrian provincial government, in accordance with the Heavy Current Routes Act.
Procedure to determine whether an EIA is necessary
Decision by the Provincial Government of Styria that there is “no compulsory EIA” required
Frequently asked questions - FAQ
The scheduled construction phase will start in 2027 and end in 2029.
The Liezen-Leoben line will be generally overhauled to ensure the security of electricity supply in the region also for future generations.
This includes:
- Retention of the voltage level of 220 kilovolt
- Modernization of all components (pylons, foundations, grounding, fittings and cabling)
- Replacement of the existing single rope by a so-called 2-rope bundle: to increase the transmission capacity and at the same time reduce the corona noise
- Installation of new pylons at the same locations with identical pylon basis
- Increasing the height of the pylons by up to 15 meters: to optimize environmental impact and increase the clearance height e.g. for agricultural equipment
The investment volume is approximately 175 million euros.
The indicated sum is a planning figure. Due to the long implementation period until 2029 this figure can be subject to price changes on the world market.
A procedure initiated by APG in January 2022 with the provincial government of Styria to determine whether an EIA is necessary resulted in the decision that the general overhaul of the Liezen-Leoben line does not require an EIA and is therefore to be approved according to the Austrian High Voltage Lines Act (Starkstromwegegesetz, StWG).
In December 2023, the Styrian state government, as the responsible authority, issued the positive decision in accordance with the High Voltage Current Routes Act. This decision has been legally binding since February 2024.
A plot of land can be claimed for the following purposes:
- By a pylon position
- By transmission line crossing land (in this case only the transmission cables and the associated easement pass over or within the vicinity of the property)
- By pylon position in or transmission line crossing forestry land
How the claimed agricultural and forestry areas are to be compensated is to be determined in a framework agreement, which will be drawn up together with the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry. It is to regulate the calculation of the compensation payments payable to the landowners for the easement grants that are to be concluded conjointly under private law. This agreement also regulates a variety of general conditions regarding the construction and operation of the transmission line.
The framework agreement applies equally to all plots of land used and zoned for agricultural activities and/or forestry. This ensures a uniform and fair approach. APG attaches great importance to the equal treatment of all landowners.
For land not zoned for agriculture or forestry separate expert opinions will determine the amount of compensation.
Total line length: 71.3 km
Number of pylons: 244
Contact person

Stefanie Eisenhuber
Project lead

Stefan Walehrach
Project communication