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Umspannwerk Nauders_APG_DJI_0739.JPG

Nauders substation

The construction of the new 380/220-kV Nauders substation will make a third connection between Austria and Italy possible. The expansion of international interconnectors contributes significantly to Austria's secure electricity supply.


New construction of 380/220-kV Nauders substation

There are currently two interconnectors linking Austria and Italy. One of those is APG’s existing interconnector between Austria (Lienz) and Italy (Soverzene), which dates back to 1952 and is no longer able to handle current requirements for a secure, efficient and sustainable European transmission grid due to its low capacity. In addition, a 132-kV merchant line was built in 2013 between Austria (Greuth bei Arnoldstein) and Italy (Tarvisio).

In particular, the increase in hydropower generation in Austria’s western Alpine region (primarily via pumped storage power plants), the additional expansion of renewable energy sources (particularly wind power) that is targeted in northern Europe and developments in Italy are leading to an increasing exchange of energy between countries in the Alpine region. It should be noted in this context that even though Italy is one of five countries having the largest installed power plant capacity in Europe, it should be considered a peninsula both geographically and in terms of electricity.

The new connection from the Nauders area to the Glorenza (Glurns) substation in the municipality of Schluderns im Vinschgau (South Tyrol) represents an additional option for establishing an interconnector with adequate capacity between the transmission grids of TERNA and APG. Given that load flows are presently already very high at the border to northern Italy, the project will contribute to improving energy security and to making grid operation more robust.

In addition, the European Council has defined an “interconnection target” as part of the EU’s energy and climate targets. The target figure of 15% of generation capacity must be reached by 2030. The Reschen Pass project will also contribute to meeting the EU targets. 

91.5 Mio.

euro Total investment volume


items 380-kV switchgear panels


items 220-kV switchgear panels


km 220-kV cable lines


items 380/220-kV transforme


items 220-kV phase-shifting transformers

That project comprises a new, single-system 220-kV interconnector in the municipality of Nauders that will extend to the Austrian-Italian border at the Reschen Pass. The interconnector line will make use of two-system integration to connect to the existing two-system, 380-kV line at the border to West Tyrol (Pradella, CH) at the 380/220-kV Nauders substation to be newly constructed. On the Italian side, the line will be integrated into the existing transmission grid at the Glorenza (IT) substation by TERNA, the Italian project partner. Since the interconnector will be built as a cable system on the Italian side, it must continue as a cable on the Austrian side up to the Nauders substation. In the long term, the reserves created in the context of this project will also enable additional grid support for the distribution system of TINETZ-Stromnetz Tirol AG. 

The 220-kV Reschen Pass project can be broken down into the following project components:

  1. New construction of a 380/220-kV substation (“Nauders”) in the municipality of Nauders
  2. New construction of an approximately 1.2 km, single-system 220-kV interconnector in the form of a cable running from the Nauders substation to the Italian border
  3. New construction of an integration between the two-system 380-kV line running from West Tyrol to the border (at Pradella) and the Nauders substation in the form of an overhead transmission line  

Contact person

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Karl Scheibenhofer

Project lead

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Wien

Phone +43 664 828 52 14 Email
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Mara Schwarz-Mitrovic

Project communication

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Wien

Phone +43 664 828 69 89 Email
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