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Your compass for renewable energy projects in Austria

In progress

Challenges in the energy industry

The Austrian federal government plans to cover 100% of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030 [1] and intends to completely decarbonize Austria's entire energy consumption by 2040 [2]. This will require an enormous expansion of renewable electricity generators (wind, PV, run-of-river plants). Planned capacities include an expansion by 27TWh, with a large proportion being renewable generators that depend on specific weather conditions and thus provide a highly volatile grid feed-in [1]. To facilitate the integration of these power plants in the overall system, efforts in the fields of sector coupling, the expansion of short, medium, and long-term storage, as well as the full development of flexibilities in the digitalization of the energy sector, and a massive grid expansion are indispensable. To optimize the accuracy and responsiveness of the grid expansion efforts, precise coordination and transparent information flows of all important relevant parameters are necessary.

In this context, we are currently facing the following challenges regarding the grid operator survey:

  • Periodicity and timely reporting: Adherence to schedules and deadlines is crucial for the success of energy projects. Information about projects in early phases and regular availability of this data at key dates are necessary to facilitate grid planning.
  • Geographical accuracy: The exact determination of the location of PV and wind projects is essential for grid planning. Missing information about the geographical setting can lead to incorrect attribution of grid loads. 
  • Consistency of project parameters: Consistent and reliable data is paramount for project planning and monitoring. Inconsistencies can lead to misunderstandings and can have an impact on grid expansion.
  • Information on project status: The lengthy nature of grid construction projects requires forward-looking planning, which can be supported with information from renewable projects already in the brainstorming phase.
  • Uniform overview: All project stakeholders need a clear overview of the progress and challenges throughout the process. This facilitates collaboration and optimizes decision-making. Transparency is the key to the smoothest possible integration of renewable energy sources into the system.
  1. Federal Act on the Expansion of Energy from Renewable Sources (Renewable Energy Expansion Act - EAG), Federal Law Gazette I No. 150/2021, version of Nov. 21, 2021.
  2. Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, 2024 [Online] Sustainable climate protection measures ( [Accessed on April 08, 2024]

SurveyManager as a systematic approach

The SurveyManager is a tool that helps to cope with these challenges by providing an innovative platform that facilitates consistent recording, management, and seamless visualization of PV and wind projects. The platform was developed specifically for use in Austria and is constantly being expanded. Here is an overview of the most important functions:

  • Project recording and updating: The SurveyManager enables PV and wind projects to be documented according to their project stage. All relevant information can be entered in a corresponding input screen from the project idea to the actual implementation phase. Project data can be updated at any time to keep a close eye on the progress.
  • Geographical visualization: The platform displays the projects on an interactive map of Austria. Each project’s location is marked, providing a quick overview of the geographical distribution of the projects.
  • Filtering by project status: Users can filter the projects according to their status. The user can decide whether he/she wants to see a complete overview, projects in the planning phase, or projects that are already being implemented.
  • Display of transformer capacities and potentials: The platform makes it possible to display a true-to-location representation of substations and transformer capacities to estimate free capacities. In the future, there will also be an option to display available potentials. These data are currently being collected in consultation with the respective provincial authorities.
  • Consolidation of the data: Submitted data are checked by a special body (consisting of grid operators, industry representatives, and authorities) and reported back as consolidated projects to ensure a plausible project overview.
  • Data security: To ensure IT, client, and data security, a two-factor authentication based on standard tools is used in addition to a password-based login.
  • Protection of fair competition: To guarantee free competition, the level of detail of registered data depends on the stage of the project. In the project development and planning phases, project data cannot be displayed or retrieved in high resolution. High-resolution data is only being collected in the actual implementation phase.

How can I participate?

To participate in the SurveyManager, please send an informal e-mail to with the following details:

  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Organization
  • Motivation (registration of projects, consolidation, review of results, etc.)

In response, you will receive an e-mail with the access data required for initial registration. You can use this to specify your password and 2-factor authentication. Instructions on how to complete the registration process can be found below in the download area.

Once the registration is completed, users will have access to documentation on how to submit project data in ongoing surveys and how to use the visualization tools on the platform. If you are interested, we can also provide an onboarding session where you have the opportunity to get to know the system in real-time.


What further developments are planned?

The platform is continuously being developed further. If you have any ideas or suggestions for enhancing the tool, please send us an e-mail at

Currently, we are working on the following enhancements:

  • Improved resolution of transformers: Transformers in the 110 kV level are already integrated into the SurveyManager. Authorities are currently considering establishing a transparency obligation for transformer capacities up to grid level 6 under the Austrian Electricity Industry Act (ELWG). If this stipulation is included in the legal text after the parliamentary process, the resolution of transformers can be increased in the future.
  • Integration of additional energy sources: Information on PV, wind, run-of-river, pumped storage, biomass, and other facilities is currently collected in the process of the APG grid operator survey. The plan is to replace the process with surveys via the SurveyManager and thus structurally update it. In concrete terms, this means that both the scope of the surveys and the group of participants can be expanded. The aim is to create a uniform, overall picture of the energy landscape in Austria.
  • Integration of potentials: In cooperation with the provincial authorities and industry representatives, data displaying the economic and technical potential of wind and PV facilities shall be entered. They will be available as additional information in the SurveyManager visualization. The implementation of this initiative is currently still being coordinated with the authorities. Potential or designated areas for renewable facilities are a sensitive issue due to their social impact, which is why the authorities are evaluating this issue particularly closely.
  • Integration of target values: Work is currently underway to incorporate nationally specified target values into the platform (as specified in e.g. the Austrian Integrated Grid Development Plan (ÖNIP)) and to visualize them according to their local distribution. Furthermore, it is being evaluated whether the data of the modeled results from the ‘Zusammen2040’ project will also be collected and included.
  • Visualization of the grid infrastructure: To be able to display the infrastructure of the Austrian distribution grid as well, the APG high-voltage grid will be integrated as an additional layer option in the first instance. Subsequently, it is planned to be able to display other voltage levels as well.
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