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ZusammEn 2040

What can a decarbonized energy system look like in 2040?

In progress

The goal is clear and unites the European transmission system operators: the energy system has to become climate-neutral by the middle of this century.

The energy transition is the most challenging issue of our time. Austrian Power Grid (APG) fully supports the climate and energy targets and, as an independent transmission system operator, plays a central role in the energy system. We provide the necessary infrastructure for a secure and stable energy supply.

However, the journey to a climate-neutral future can only be successful if we work together! The expansion of renewables and the availability of new end-use technologies will radically change the flows in the energy system. A European and cross-sector approach is needed to supply end customers with energy in a cost-effective and secure manner.

We therefore make our comprehensive energy system model available to interested stakeholders. zusammEn2040 is intended to create a platform: for an open and transparent exchange on how resources and competencies can best be recruited for the success of the energy transition.


The major challenges of a climate-neutral future can only be solved on a trans-regional and cross-sectoral basis. We cordially invite you to develop your vision for the future energy system together with us!

Gerhard Christiner & Thomas Karall Austrian Power Grid AG

Our offer

zusammEn2040 offers the possibility to develop different scenarios of the future with the help of our energy system model. Starting from a provided ‘basic scenario’, a variety of future visions can be defined and discussed. You can feed your assumptions and parameters into our model and we will provide the results in a standardized and easy-to-understand form. Our experts will be happy to support you in defining the assumptions and parameters as well as in interpreting the results. The main requirement is that your vision is in line with the European and Austrian climate targets. Your assumptions and the resulting target image of how the energy future will look like are then made available to the general public on the platform zusammEN2040, displayed in an appealing and interesting way. This is how your vision of the future energy system is generated!

Added value for you

With the help of our energy system model, you can quantify your vision of a climate-neutral Europe and gain sound insights from it. Our platform zusammEn2040 also gives you the opportunity to explain your vision of the future in commentaries, interviews or videos, to compare your vision of a climate-neutral future with other visions and to exchange views on the results with other interested stakeholders. The different results provide a certain solution space regarding the decarbonized energy system of the future. Subsequently the different visions for our energy future can be discussed in joint workshops among a larger circle of participants and on the basis of a well-founded and modern modeling approach.

About zusammEn2040

The journey to a climate-neutral energy future can only be successful if we work together. With zusammEn2040, we want to make an active contribution to paving the way for a decarbonized energy system. To this end, we provide our modeling system, which can guarantee the necessary precision on the one hand and sufficient performance on the other to create an adequate added value.

We thus offer you the opportunity to develop different scenarios of the future. This allows you to quantify your vision of a climate-neutral Europe and gain relevant insights from it. Our platform also gives you the opportunity to explain your vision of the future in commentaries, interviews or videos, to compare your idea of a climate-neutral future with others and to exchange views on the results with other interested stakeholders.

The different results of our partners open up a solution space for the decarbonized energy system of the future. Subsequently, the different visions for our energy future can be discussed even more intensively and on a larger scale in joint workshops. Together, we can thus develop a target image for a climate-neutral, supply-secure future.

Starting from a provided basic scenario, a variety of future visions can be defined and discussed with the help of our energy system model. You can feed your assumptions and parameters into our model, and we provide the results in a standardized and easy-to-understand form. Our experts will support you in defining the assumptions and parameters as well as in interpreting the results. The main requirement is that your vision is in line with European and Austrian climate targets. On our platform "ZusammEn 2040", you can make your assumptions and the resulting target image for Austria's energy future available to the public.

Cornerstones of our modern energy system model in cooperation with TransnetBW

Our energy system model was developed in cooperation with TransnetBW and is based on an advanced version of the open-source model PyPSA. The most important points are the following:

  • High temporal resolution for an optimized operation of all facilities
  • Representation of all countries in Europe, representation of Austria at the level of its provinces
  • Consideration of all relevant sectors (electricity, gas and heat sectors, as well as the transport and industry sectors)
  • Optimized requirements for electricity, gas and hydrogen grids, generation and conversion technologies, as well as storage and parts of the final consumption

We can cope with the challenges of integrating renewable energies, reaching decarbonization targets, and ensuring system security faster, more efficiently, and more cost-effectively if we as transmission system operators consider Europe's energy system as a whole and work closely together at the European level.

Michael Jesberger Managing Director of TransnetBW

We have been cooperating with our neighbor Austrian Power Grid on various levels for several years. Among other things, we are jointly studying different future energy system scenarios so that we are both prepared to develop our electricity grids to meet future requirements.

Ninghong Sun Team Lead System Analysis TransnetBW

Contact person

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Stefanie Schreiner

Project lead

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD Tower)
1220 Wien

Phone +43 664 883 159 97 Email
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Raffael Krismer

Contact person for stakeholder processes

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD Tower)
1220 Wien

Phone +43 664 883 14 421 Email
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